Here’s how we’re serving the community, reaching the lost, deepening fellowship, discipling the next generation, and building up the body of Christ.

Wednesday Night Group
Come as you are on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM for a potluck meal and Bible discussion time.

Youth Ministry
Join our youth group (ages 12 to 18) on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM for games, Bible lessons, and more.

Blessing Box
Non-perishable food items are available 24/7 for all neighbors. Take what you need from the curbside box located at our church.

Men's Fellowship
Men of all ages are welcome to come for breakfast, fellowship, and Bible study at 8:30 AM the first Saturday of every month.

Women's Bible Study
Women of all ages: join us every second Saturday of the month at 10 AM for brunch and encouragement from your sisters in Christ.

Online Ministries
Browse our website for sermon podcasts, blog posts, teaching series, and more.