Isaac Walsh

Why Invest in a Church Website? It Contributes to Better Communication

Communication is essential for any group of people working toward a common goal, and churches are no exception. That’s the eighth reason why your church should invest in a website: it contributes to better communication. If your church can facilitate communication not just on Sunday morning, but throughout the week, it creates a broader sense of community.1

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Why Invest in a Church Website? It Involves Christian Youth

In my previous post, I mentioned how every Christian is a minister and how a church website really creates a new place to exercise spiritual gifts. (You can read that post here.) Because you’ll need different people to run the website, it’s a great way to mobilize those in your church for ministry service. It involves

Why Invest in a Church Website? It Involves Christian Youth Read More »

Why Invest in a Church Website? It Mobilizes Christians for Ministry

Your church should invest in a website. Why? Because it can help bring in new people, attract young people, increase giving, create new forms of outreach and expand the scope of outreach. Today, I’m going to be looking at the next point: a church website mobilizes Christians for ministry service. Changing the Approach to Church Websites

Why Invest in a Church Website? It Mobilizes Christians for Ministry Read More »