Dear church member,
It has been 12 weeks since we last gathered in person. We decided to stop meeting because of what the Bible teaches. Proverbs tells us to listen to good advice, so we took recommendations from the medical community seriously. Jesus commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves, so we took drastic steps to protect others. Romans 13:1-7 teaches Christians to submit to the governing authorities unless they contradict God, so we adhered to their guidelines, temporarily moving our fellowship from the sanctuary to the internet.
Though medical experts remain wary, churches are beginning to carefully come back together in person. Our gatherings are essential for us to stay centered on Christ, encourage one another in the faith, pray together, and respond to God’s word as a church. As Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
The Board has met multiple times to prayerfully discuss the best way to start gathering in person again. We have designed them to be as safe as possible and we encourage you to prayerfully decide how you will participate in the fellowship during the month of June.
In-Person Gatherings
Wednesdays at 6pm, starting June 3: in-person small group meetings for up to 15 individuals.
You can register to attend these meetings through our church website or by contacting me directly. We will limit each week’s gathering to 15 people to enable better group interaction while maintaining safe social distancing.
Sundays at 9am starting June 7: in-person worship services open to everyone.
Though we will not limit the number of people who can come to these services, we ask that you either register online through the church website or contact me directly if you plan to come so that we can prepare the parking lot to encourage safe social distancing.
Notes about these in-person gatherings:
- If you feel sick, especially with a fever, coughing, or sneezing, you should stay home.
- Masks are encouraged.
- You will need to bring your own chairs.
- Children will remain with their parents and the playground will be closed.
- Offering baskets will be available for your contributions.
- Bathrooms will be available, but the gatherings will be limited to under an hour so that you are
- less likely to need them.
- If it rains, the gatherings will be cancelled, rather than moving them inside.
Online Ministries
We understand that many will choose to wait before returning to in-person gatherings. This is a valid choice, especially if you are in the most vulnerable age range or have a preexisting condition that makes contracting the virus more dangerous. Therefore, we will continue several online ministries
Tuesdays at 3pm starting June 2: Zoom Small Group Meetings for up to five households.
You can register for these through our church website or by contacting me. We will limit these to five households to ensure smooth communication.
Wednesdays at 3pm starting June 3: Facebook Live Devotions.
These will be identical to the Daily Devotions we have done during the quarantine.
Sundays at 11am starting June 7: Facebook Live Sermons.
These will be identical to the livestreamed sermons we have done during the quarantine.
If all goes well, we hope to begin moving into the sanctuary in July, but no plans are finalized yet. In the meantime, continue to check our church website for current information: www.dulinsgrovechurch.org.
However you decide to participate in the fellowship during June, remember the essentials: trusting and following our Risen Savior and Lord, depending on the Holy Spirit’s supernatural wisdom and power, letting the Bible be our guide, and spreading the gospel together. Together or apart, in-person or over the internet, we will continue to be devoted to these things.
In Christ,
Pastor Matt
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