It is in the studying of Christ, as in the planting of a new discovered country; at first men sit down by the sea-side, upon the skirts and borders of the land; and there they dwell, but by degrees they search farther and farther into the heart of the country. Ah, the best of us are yet but upon the borders of this vast continent!(John Flavel)
Summer Sunday School runs from June 9 through August 25. Classes meet from 10 to 11am. Here’s a quick look at the class options:
For Kids: Echo the Story
Beth Larkin, Sarah Linker and Cathy Mahoney teach this exciting new curriculum to our little ones.
Echo the Story is a 12-session overview of the Bible for children. Each session follows a sequence for students to encounter the Bible in a variety of ways. It is an imaginative way to engage in the Bible using storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue. Students learn in many different ways – Echo the Story embraces different learning styles while delivering an overview of the Bible and how it applies today.
For Adults
The Gospel Project (Teens)
Matt Broadway teaches this class designed for teenagers (ages 13-18 or 6th grade through 12th). Each student receives a personal study guide to use during the course.
Matt Broadway teaches this class designed for teenagers (ages 13-18 or 6th grade through 12th). Each student receives a personal study guide to use during the course.
The Gospel Project for Students helps to develop and equip your student ministry with a deeper understanding of Scripture and how the story of Jesus Christ ties it all together. In every week and in every lesson, your students will encounter the gospel through the in-depth study of Bible, theology, and missions, with the view of seeing how all the Scriptures point to Jesus, and how the gospel has the ability to transform a student’s life. As your students move through The Gospel Project and allow the truth of the gospel to work on them, move through them, and transform them, they begin to realize that they are participants in God’s gospel project.
Being Truthful to Ourselves and Others: A Study in Paul’s Letters
Tom and Julia Brock teach this class.
This young adult class just studied in Colossians how easily we let other things take the place of Jesus in our hearts and in our worship. What did Paul mean, “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” (Col. 3:9)? The class is going to look into this. Paul has written some letters that go into more detail, with some good advice on how to stop lying to others (and ourselves)!
Practical Christian Living
Mike Boston teaches this class designed to connect a variety of Biblical concepts to everyday practical life.
Sometimes theology can seem disconnected from everyday reality. The grand truths of God, the gospel, Jesus Christ, the church and the Bible can seem impractical. Since we face real problems and opportunities, we need to understand how the Bible applies to real life.
3 Steps Forward, 2 Steps Back: A Study of Joshua, Judges and Ruth
Martha Cole and Debbie Shuford teach this class.
We would like for our spiritual growth to be a steady upward climb, but it is rarely one giant step forward after another. It’s more like three steps forward, two steps back. This study is based on the books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth. These books chronicle Israel’s early years in the Promised Land–times of stunning victories and humbling defeats.
Lawrence Efird and Richard Lowery teach this David C. Cook material for our senior adults.
This unites in this quarter look at worship in the Old Testament. How does Christian worship today mirror both the good and bad practices of the ancient world? What can we learn from God’s relationship with the worshipping community in Israel that can help us honor and worship God in our communities of faith?