Global Missions: The Outcome

This is post three in a three post series. Read posts one and two.

Based on Revelation 5, Jesus is the most worthy subject of your attention, time, energy, interest, devotion, worship, and life. Here’s why:

Because of what he did.
Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain… (Revelation 5:9a)

Jesus died for you, establishing a basis for your forgiveness, cleansing, and reconciliation with God. You can’t earn all this. You don’t need to act like you have all this. You only need to receive it.

Christianity isn’t about what you need to do, but what Jesus already did. Your life is more like Extreme Makeover: Home Edition than The X-Factor.

Jesus is worthy because he was slain on our behalf.

Because of what he’s doing.
…and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation… (5:9b)

Humanity is held hostage and you might be surprised by the captor’s identity. You might at first think the captor is sin or satan; but the Bible states that it is the law that holds us (Romans 7:6 and Galatians 3:23).

Jesus sets us free from the burden of do’s and don’ts that we’re incapable of obeying fully. He sets us free from the weight of guilt and shame and failure that we’ve piled on our own backs through disobedience. And here’s the really beautiful part (and the part that connects all this to global missions): He is doing all this in every tribe and language and people and nation.

In marketing, you know you won’t get everyone; so you select your target demographic and stick with it. That’s why there are Mac people and PC people, Chevy people and Ford people. The more diverse the target demographic, the more amazing the product must be. Jesus is appealing to every demographic because is the most amazing product in the history of mankind. The diversity of the devoted reveals the divinity of the man.

Jesus is worthy because he is doing a mighty work among a complete diversity of people.

Because of what he will do.
…and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth. (5:10)

Have you ever built something? If so, was is easy or hard? My son builds with legos. Many build businesses and families. I know a man who built a house using a book titled How to Build Your Own House. Building anything of substance and endurance is hard.

Jesus is building something more difficult than a house or a family or a business. Jesus is worthy because will build a kingdom of kings and priests out of people from every tribe, tongue and nation.

There is no one like Jesus Christ. He is the King of kings.

Discussion Starters
1. Worthy means weighty, valuable, important, full of worth. What seems most worthy of your attention, energy, time, etc. in your life right now? What outweighs Jesus?
a. Why?
b. What steps of repentance can you take to put Jesus back in his rightful place in your life?

2. Read Romans 7:6 and Galatians 3:23. What does it mean to be held captive by the law?
a. How does Jesus’ blood ransom us from this captivity?

3. How does verse 9 affect your view of racism?
a. Do you feel that racism is a problem in our church?
b. If so, how can the gospel solve this problem?

4. What spoke to you most in this passage?

5. What will you do based on what you’ve heard in this passage?

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