Why Does God Get to Be Jealous?

This is a brief recap from the youth gathering last night. The question posed: what does the Bible mean when it says God is jealous? (See Exodus 20:4-5 and Psalm 78:58 for examples.)

The super-short version of the answer: God is jealous for the worship of his people because he is the only rightful recipient of it. When we worship idols (think money, hobbies, people, etc.) it’s like a spouse committing adultery.

In Isaiah 42:8, he says,

“I am the LORD; that is my name;
my glory I give to no other,
nor my praise to carved idols.”

God is God, and therefore it is right for him to desire worship, be grieved at idolatry, and even be jealous when he sees us trusting in and devoting ourselves to other gods. It isn’t petty, like our jealousy usually is. It’s right and good.

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