Ephesians 4:17-32
Studies show that most new year’s resolutions fizzle out quickly. It’s hard to change. But Christians can change because Jesus changes their minds and hearts.
Jesus Changes Minds (v.17-18)
When you become a Christian, you change from futile-minded to able-minded, from darkened in understanding to enlightened.
Some popular resolutions this year are to save money, eat better, exercise, and get in a relationship. But what will we do with this money? What will we do with this health? What will we do with these relationships? There are plenty of aimless, miserable people who are rich, thin, and in a relationship. We need more than changes in behavior. We need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2).
Jesus Changes Hearts (v.18-24)
Jesus removes our hearts of stone and replaces them with soft, mold-able hearts (Ezekiel 36:26). When you become a Christian, your desires begin to change.
So in the case of the resolution to save more, a Christian’s desire to work hard, manage resources carefully, and give generously come alive. Rather than a pain-in-the-butt discipline that we hate, saving becomes rooted in a new, godly passion.
Some Examples (v.25-32)
Here Paul writes about how the gospel changes specific behaviors:
1. From falsehood to truth. (v.25)
Once saved, we can put aside falsehood (any attempt to misshape another’s perception of reality) and instead be true. We have nothing to hide. We can be 100% authentic, open, and honest because in Jesus we are:
– chosen before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4)
– loved (1:4-5)
– redeemed (1:7)
– forgiven (1:7)
– lavished by his grace (1:7-8)
– sealed with the Holy Spirit (1:13)
We used to hide under fig leaves of falsehood; but the gospel frees us to live “naked and unashamed” (Genesis 2:25; 3:7-10).
2. From sinful anger to righteous anger. (v.26-27)
Not all anger is sinful. Some anger is right. Here’s how you can tell:
Sinful anger produces sinful action. Right anger produces right action. Sinful anger springs from sinful passions. Right anger springs from right passions.
Jesus frees us from our sinful passions and replaces them with right passions so that our anger becomes useful.
3. From taking to working/giving. (v.28)
This means moving from an expectation to receive to an eagerness to give.
One reason our resolution to save money falls flat is that the motivation is selfish. But as we receive the Jesus’ generosity, we grow passionate about working hard so that we can share more (Philippians 2:5-8).
4. From tearing people down to building people up with words. (v.29)
Jesus taught that our words flow from the abundance of our hearts (Matthew 12:34). As we receive Jesus’ grace into our hearts, we’re able to give grace in our words.
5. From meanness to kindness. (v.30-32)
Christians can let go of all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice and embrace kindness and forgiveness. Why? Because of the forgiveness they’ve received in Jesus Christ.
Discussion Starters
1. What new years resolutions have you set this year?
2. Read verses 17-24. How does this passage change the way you think about your resolutions?
3. Read verse 25. How does Jesus free us from falsehood and enable us to be true?
4. What shame do you need to leave behind in 2011? What secrets do you need to reveal? What sins do you need to confess? What act do you need to drop? In what ways have you been working to shape others’ perceptions? Do people really know you?
5. Read verses 26-27. How does Jesus free us from sinful anger?
6. What pushes your buttons? What passions are underneath those buttons? What sinful passions do you need to leave in 2011 and what right passions do you need to embrace?
7. Read verse 28. How does Jesus free us from the need to take and instil in us the desire to work and share? (See Philippians 2:5-8)
8. How can you work harder in order to share more in 2012?
9. Read verse 29. Generally, what effect did your words have in 2011? Do your words tend to condemn or give grace? In what ways do your words tend to tear people down? In what ways do they tend to build people up?
10. Read verses 30-32. Is there bitterness that you need to leave in 2011? Is there anyone you’re rooting against? Who do you need to forgive and what specific steps do you need to take to do so?