Heirs of God



Romans 8:16-17
Christian, God bought you like a slave at market. Then he gave you the Holy Spirit who lives in you and enables you to live as a son, rather than a slave. And now that you’re a son, you’re an heir.

Before people die they decide who will get their stuff after they die. The recipient of the stuff is an heir. What do we inherit as heirs of God?

Everything is God’s, from the stars in heaven to grains of sand on the ocean floor and everything and everyone in between. So is all this our inheritance? Not exactly.

Heirs of God
Christians are not primarily heirs of stuff. We’re heirs of God himself. Stuff without God isn’t heaven, it’s hell. God is love, light, and life. Any inheritance without God is loveless, dark, and deathly. In fact, if your vision of heaven doesn’t include God, it’s a big red flag that you’re not a Christian at all because one of the primary works of the new heart is to love God.

Those of you who have been heirs and have inherited land or money or stuff from your parents, would you not give all that stuff back if you could live with them again? See them across the dinner table or beside you in the car? Talk with them and laugh with them again? But they couldn’t leave you that inheritance. Only God can give himself as an inheritance to his children because only God is undying.

A Vision of Our Inheritance
So what does this bizarre reality look like? God gives us a glimpse in Revelation 21:1-8. It looks like God living with us as a father lives with his sons.

This means that there is no more important inheritance than God. And it means that no current pain can compare to this future glory.
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