Sermon in a Sentence
Christianity is an internal operation with external effects.
The Passage
In this passage, Paul is chastising the Jewish Christians for focusing on the external act of circumcision while ignoring their own failure to obey God’s commands.
Paul says that circumcision is only valuable if accompanied by obedience. Disobedience negates the outward sign altogether. He goes on to explain that it’s better to have obedience without circumcision than circumcision without obedience.
A ring doesn’t make a marriage; though marriage usually includes a ring. No outward sign makes someone a Christian; though Christians will perform outward signs, like baptism. It’s better to have a changed life without religious rituals than rituals without a changed life.
Wearing a hospital gown doesn’t heal anyone, even though people being healed often find themselves wearing one. Replicating externals, like baptism and church involvement, will not save you.
This also means that expecting externals will not help people. We all have people we’re worried about and it’s easy to pressure them into acting better. But that’s sort of like urging a cripple to do a cartwheel. Without the new heart we receive when we become a Christian, we can’t obey God’s ways.
Of the Heart and By the Spirit
Christianity is not primarily about religious ritual; though it includes rituals such as baptism and communion. Christianity is about heart change that brings a desire to obey God.
Christianity is not primarily about behavior modification; though it includes changed behavior. Christianity is about the Holy Spirit working in us, giving fruit and gifts that enable us to obey God.
Christianity changes people from the inside out.
Discussion Starters
1. Why are you involved in church? What motivates you? What ought to motivate us?
2. Brainstorm a list of internal and external changes one experiences upon becoming a Christian. What external changes do we value most as a church? What internal changes do we value most as a church?
3. Do you find Christianity exhausting or exhilarating? Why?
4. Read verse 29 again. Does God’s opinion of you match that of those who know you? If not, how is it different?
5. Share the most significant insight you’ve gained from the first two chapters of Romans.
6. How can we love those around us in light of this passage?
7. How can your group pray for you this week?