Paul’s 8 Pastoral Priorities

I know at least one pastor reads this blog (or so he said…), so I thought I would post something I've been working on. I've been combing through the pastoral epistles (1&2 Timothy and Titus) for everything Paul encouraged pastors to do. Here's what I've come up with so far (still refining). This info is in a bar graph on my bulletin board in front of my face every day so I can keep my priorities straight.
1. Be exemplary. (mentioned about 20 times)
2. Cultivate people. (about 16 times)
3. Pull weeds (confront false teaching and sin). (13 times)
4. Teach. (10)
5. Relate to others. (6)
6. Lead/Administrate. (3)
7. Care for widows. (2)
8. Evangelize. (1)
This may only be interesting to me, so I won't post all the details. If you want to see details, leave a comment to that effect. You can also comment if you have input on the priorities. Like I said, I'm refining this every week; so your thoughts are welcome!
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Matthew Broadway
Matthew Broadway
14 years ago

My first comment! Thanks for the input Matt. It’s been SO helpful to set aside all the pastoral leadership books and look to the source.

Matt Larkin
Matt Larkin
14 years ago

Matt-Worthwhile study I’d say! Much different priorities than I would think most people would expect in this era of the church. But I think you’ve exposed something very important here. Biblical pastoral priorities are VERY clearly different than what many people decide the priorities of the pastor should be. I think it’s a subject worth dialoguing about and I appreciate you doing the research to start that ball rolling!

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