Don’t Be a Fool

Guest speaker Rev. Jeff Walsh

Whether we have few possessions or our barns are overflowing, we can be in danger if we think we are in control. Our lives are not our own, and all that we have is on loan from God. We can either cling tightly to what we have, or we can use it to serve others in the name of Christ. You’re a fool if you prioritize investing for yourself over investing for God. This includes not just money but time, energy, focus, possessions, etc.

1. It’s foolish to think that we own the rights to our possessions. A fool has no place for God (Proverbs 1:7; Psalm 14:1). We are stewards of all that we have (Genesis 1:28-30).

2. It’s foolish to think that bigger and better things will bring peace of mind (Ecclesiastes 5:10-12; Matthew 19:21-22).

3. It’s foolish to think that success is guaranteed by the strength of our plans. Culture prizes decisiveness and determination. We foolishly trust in our plans rather than in God (Proverbs 16:9; James 4:13-17).

4. It’s foolish to invest yourself in what is temporary rather than what is eternal. No matter how tightly we cling, it will be left behind (2 Corinthians 4:18).

God doesn’t want us to be fools individually, as a church, or as a denomination. We must seek His kingdom and His glory, and loosen our grip on everything else.

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