Discussion Starters for This Week

I was out of the pulpit yesterday. In my absence, Ron Thomas preached from Mark 2:1-12. There will be no sermon recap this week. Here are some discussion starter questions for this week that you can use with your House to House groups.

    1. What were some of the things the men had to work around or get through in order to bring their friend to Jesus?
    2. Are there similar barriers today that make it difficult to bring people to Jesus?
    3. The men carrying the paralytic took some pretty radical steps to get there friend to Jesus. What might be the radical steps required of us today to bring our friends to Jesus?
    4. What did you learn from this passage (something you didn’t previously know)?
    5. Which point in this chapter spoke to you the most?
    6. Is there something in this passage that surprised you? If so, how were you surprised?
    7. Are there any verses in this passage that confuse you or that seem to contradict other parts of the Bible?
    8. In view of what we have read, what changes do you think God would want you to make in attitude, words, or actions?

PS: I know, I owe you a recap from two weeks ago. It’s on the way later today hopefully.

Pastor Matt

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