For the Forgetful

“My son, do not forget my teaching,
But let your heart keep my commandments…”
– Proverbs 3:1

How to remember God’s wise teaching: “let your heart keep” his commandments. This is passively allowing your heart to do what it’s designed to do. Cease from hindering your heart’s retaining work.

Personally, I hinder this ‘keeping’ by clogging and supersaturating my heart with too much information (TMI!). Bible reading and study. Sermon and lesson research. Article research. Podcasts (way too many podcasts…). The ever-swelling social networking flood. Books, blogs, radio, TV. On and on it goes. The only silence I enjoy is in bed as I topple into sleep. This seems to be one of many symptoms of my lifestyle right now:

I learn too much and think too little.
I receive too much and respond too little.
I write too many prayer cards and pray too little.
I talk too much and listen too little.
I punish too much and correct too little.
I teach too much and love too little.
I make too much and give too little.
I ask too much and offer too little.
I plan too much and do too little.
I do too much and am too little.

Father, please enable me to process and respond to Your voice. Please change my heart to love and keep your commandments. – Amen.

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